Shortcut Key To Open Step Generator In Qtp

  1. Shortcut Key To Open Step Generator In Qtp Video
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  1. A) F2 B) F5 C) F6 D) F7 34) Function Definition Generator in found in which menu option. A) File B) Tools C) Insert D) View 35) The shortcut keys for Record, Stop and Run respectively are A) F3, F4, F5 B) F4, F3, F5 C) F4, F5, F3 D) F3, F5, F4 36) What is the shortcut key for opening an Object Repository.
  2. Jul 02, 2014  The Keyword View User Interface’s Elements and Tools – UFT/QTP Training Tutorial 11.1. You can use the given below keyboard shortcuts to navigate within the Keyword View. ”key to add a new step after a conditional or loop block and use INSERT key to add a new step below the selected step. Also, use F7 to open the Step Generator to.
  3. Tutorial-7 How to Add Steps in Tests using Step Generator feature of QTP. How to Add Steps in Tests using Step Generator feature of QTP. The most common way of creation of tests in QTP is by doing a live recording of the operations normally performed on the application under test.
  4. Before we open the Step Generator to define a new step, we first select where in our test the new step should be inserted. After we open the Step Generator, we first select the category for the step operation (test object, Utility object or function) and the required object or the function library.
  5. Step generator is a feature availabe in QTP which helps to generate the script without recording and/or without typing the script in Expert View. For Detail go to help file and type 'Step Generator'. It will tell us how to add the steps.
  6. Ctrl+F10- Run to Step Ctrl+T- Adds the selected item in the Watch tab Ctrl+F7- Check the Syntax error in the script. Ctrl+Page Up or Page Down- Toggles between the Keyword and Expert View.

Mar 03, 2011 This is a help and support site for everyone for tips, tricks and tutorials on QTP / UFT, automation frameworks & concepts. If you are planning to do HP Certification, this is the place to learn.

StepGeneratoris a feature of QTP, Library of Functions, used for generating the Recordableand Non-Recordable steps.
Navigation:Insert menu->Step Generator
UseShortcut key F7
TheStep Generator enables us to add steps by selecting from a range ofcontext-sensitive options and entering the required values. In the StepGenerator dialog box we can define steps that use:
Testobject operations (tests only)
Callsto library functions (tests only), VBScript functions, and internal scriptfunctions
Forexample, we can add a step that checks that an object exists, or that storesthe returned value of a method as an output value or as part of a conditionalstatement. We can parameterize any of the values in our step.
Note:we can use the Step Generator to insert steps in tests and function libraries.Hover, in function libraries, we cannot use the Step Generator to access testobject names or collections, or to access the list of library functions.
Beforewe open the Step Generator to define a new step, we first select where in ourtest the new step should be inserted.
Afterwe open the Step Generator, we first select the category for the step operation(test object, Utility object or function) and the required object or thefunction library. We can then select the appropriate operation (method,property, or function) and define the arguments and return values,parameterizing them if required.
TheStep Generator then inserts a step with the correct syntax into y test. We cancontinue to add further steps at the same location without closing the StepGenerator.
Wecan open the Step Generator from the Keyword View, Expert View, or ActiveScreen.

This tutorial is going to provide insight into the keyword view and expert view of Micro Focus UFT.

What is the Expert View?

In the Expert View, each line represents a Test Step in VB Script. Consider the following code

An Object's Name is displayed in parentheses following the Object Type. Here the Object Name is Login and Object Type is Dialog

Objects in Object Hierarchy are separated by a 'dot'.Here Dialog and WinEdit are fall in the same Object Hierarchy. Just to put things in perspective, Object Hierarchy is Object Oriented Concept where a set of objects that are grouped together in a parent-child relationship. In our case Dialog Box is the Parent Object and WinEdit is the Child Object

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Shortcut Key To Open Step Generator In Qtp Video

The Operation performed on the object is always displayed at the end of the statement followed by any values associated with the operation. Here the word 'Guru99' is inserted in the AgentName Edit Box using the Set Method

The syntax for a statement inexpert view is GUI object on which the operation is performed along with its complete hierarchy followed by the Operation on the Object and value associated with that Operation

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How to develop a Script in Expert View

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Video Transcript with Key Takeaways highlighted

Stepmania Step Generator

  • Suppose my objective is to code the following statement directly in keyword view
  • Dialog(Login).WinEdit(Agent Name:).Set Guru99
  • In QTP screen when I press Cntrl + spacebar, a list containing all possible properties, methods are shown
  • Also, the list shows the objects stored in the object repository
  • Select Dialog
  • As soon as I open the parentheses, object name login is auto-populated, if there is more than one object for the same object type a list is displayed
  • On pressing the. key a list of all the methods for the Dialog object and its child objects are displayed. Select WinEdit
  • On inputting the dot operator a list of methods for Winedit box is displayed select SET

Shortcut Key To Open Step Generator In Qtp Excel

What is Keyword View?

The Keyword View is comprised of a table-like view where Each step is a separate row in the table and Each column represents different parts of the steps.

Shortcut Key To Open Step Generator In Qtp Free

  • Item Column contains the item on which you want to perform the step. This column uses icons displays the hierarchy of the GUI object on which operation is performed
  • Operation Column contains the operation to be performed on the item.
  • Value Column contains the argument values for the selected operation,
  • HP QTP automatically documents each step for easy understanding in the Documentation Column
  • These 4 columns are default but you can also use assignment & comment columns in Keyword View

That's all to the Keyword View

Compare Keyword and Expert View

If you compare a line of script in QTP/UFT, you will observe that the same object hierarchy is displayed in both Expert & Keyword Views and they map to the same operation and argument value.

Essentially, Keyword & Expert view contain the same data but arranged in a different format. Recover my files license key generator.

Shortcut Key To Open Step Generator In Qtp Download

In fact, you can perform all operations like create, modifying a step. using the Keyword View but to gain mastery over the tool we will restrict ourselves to the Expert View